a child in need
fill my cup, Lord
Been walkin' over lies standin' in my way
They can say they want
I don't want what they say
I was born far from home
But I've been thriving in the wonder of the great unknown
'Cause I'm drinking from a well from another place
Ooh, fill my cup, Lord
Run it over
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
For more than 10 years I have been telling myself and my husband that I am certain God is preparing me for more.
Do you ever have days, months, maybe even years where you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and going nowhere? Do you ever just feel like you’re in the depths of a valley where you simply cannot see any light to lead you out? You know you are meant for more, but you can’t seem to find that river of hope to keep you going, or quench that endless thirst for something more.
Do you ever just feel empty?
This summer has probably been the most stressful, unfulfilling, and loaded with the most meaningless busy work I have ever experienced in my career. Working and a work ethic are not an issue for me. The issue is, I want to grow in my career, to be challenged to expand my professional skills, not be put on a one size fits all plan where a 35-year veteran is tasked with the same thing a brand-new rookie is tasked with.
But that’s corporate America. That’s what they do.
So, how do we navigate through days, months, and sometimes years of the mundane when we know God has been preparing us for so much more? For more than 10 years I have been telling myself and my husband that I am certain God is preparing me for more, but when is it going to come to fruition? I even work with a coach who is guiding me to move in the direction we believe I am being led, and yet, I still feel as though I am stuck in this valley of darkness when it comes to moving the dial and go forward.
My cup is empty Lord.
photo credit Isabela Kronemberger @kronemberger
I confess, it's good to have a mentor, a coach, or an accountability person in your life in general, but especially in times like this when you need someone to encourage you to stay focused. It is way too easy to get lost in the lies of the enemy who is always telling us that we’re crazy, that God doesn’t have a plan for us, or that we are fooling ourselves to think we could ever be anything more than who we are right now.
My coach reminds me that God’s timing is not my timing. She reminds me that while I may feel as though I’m not growing now, my current career path is His provision for me. I am earning a living. I have medical benefits. God is using my current career to prepare me for my next steps, and, while I may not know it, He is using me in the lives of those I work alongside of.
It is so hard to stay strong and wait on God’s timing, but that is exactly why we need to call on Him to fill our cup when we hit these roadblocks and diversions in life. I am His child, and I am in need. My cup is dry. I am struggling to keep believing He has something ahead for me. I need living water. Jesus’ water is the only water that can fill the emptiness in my soul during these dry spells.
What does it mean that Jesus is the living water that can fill my cup? It means that He will replenish my spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical reserves. It means stopping and recharging my batteries, resting in Him, and being still with Him.
It means humbling myself in prayer and asking Him to fill my cup to overflowing.
Father, you know my heart. You gave me the desire to be more and do more with the gifts you have given me. Please help me to keep the faith that You will be faithful to complete what you have begun in me. God, fill my cup. In fact, run it over! Father, my cup is empty right now, and my desire is for it to be replenished with the living water that can only come from You. I’ve been drinking from the well of another source and it’s left me dry and thirsty.
Please Lord, as the song, Fill My Cup, says…
Fill my cup, Lord
Run it over
Give me love, give me joy
Give me peace
Fill my cup, Lord
Run it over
I am Your child in need
Lord, I need You
Fill my house up with hope
Fill my plans up with purpose
Fill my wounds up with healing
Fill my days up with meaning
Fill my future with vision
Goodness, grace, and provision
Lord, I need You
To fill my cup
In Jesus name, Amen
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. John 6:35 ESV